Wednesday, 31 December 2014

My Current Skin Care Routine

Over the past couple of months my skin has not been looking its best. I've been getting alot more breakouts than normal and instead of feeling overly dry like it normally does, it has turned on its head and started to get slightly more on the oilier side of things. I think the main cause of this change in my skin has been the change...
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Monday, 29 December 2014

December Beauty Favourites

I just want to start off this post by apologizing for the severe lack of blogging the past couple of weeks. I have felt like the worst blogger in the world but life has just been very hectic the  past while, that paired with the darker days have not been a good combinations for my poor blog! But (almost) new year, new start and...
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Tuesday, 9 December 2014

My Top 3 Foundation Picks

I have seen a few bloggers doing posts and videos about their favourite foundations so of course I am ready to jump on that bandwagon and share with you my go-to products for my base. If you are a regular reader on these parts then you will have probably predicted what will be included in this post but if you are on the hunt for...
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Thursday, 4 December 2014

NYX HD Concealer

You all know I am a massive fan of the NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer but unfortunately coming up to Christmas, a €30 concealer is just not high on my list of priorities. I recently tweeted that I was going to a NYX stand and asked for recommendations for what to pick up and the lovely Leanne recommended the HD Concealer. I hadn't heard...
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Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Collective Haul | Beauty & Clothes

Sooo I did a bit of shopping. The sad thing is that this isn't actually everything I've bought. Some bits are still on the way and other things I forgot to take photographs of..oops!  Clothes  These three pieces are from good old Penneys/Primark. They really have some nice bits in there at the moment and I was really...
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